Easy Cash Loans
With Best TermsWe pay cash on the spot and that’s what matters the most to our customers. Our free appraisals will put an estimate on your item within minutes.
(718) 238-4500
Specializing in
Sports Memorabilia, Game Cards, Autographs and Comic BooksWe pay cash on the spot and that’s what matters the most to our customers. Our free appraisals will put an estimate on your item within minutes.
(718) 238-4500
Official Coin Shop of Brooklyn
- Free Coin Collection Appraisals
- Sending Coins for Grading
- Cash For Coins on the Spot
(718) 238-4500
We Pay Top Dollars For
- Gold, Diamond, Silver, Coins
- We Also Buy, Tools, Memorabilia
- Electronics, Musical Instruments Antiques Toys
- Watches, Camera, Macbook and Iphones
(718) 238-4500
has been in Bay Ridge Brooklyn,
NY Area for over 12 years.
We are a family owned and operated business that has been
in the pawn industry for over 18 years.

We Specialize In

Get cash in hand today for your unwanted gold and merchandise. Sell your items at a pawn shop and get cash on the spot.

Sports Cards
Get cash in hand today for your unwanted gold and merchandise. Sell your items at a pawn shop and get cash on the spot.

Get cash in hand today for your unwanted gold and merchandise. Sell your items at a pawn shop and get cash on the spot.
Our appraisers will put an estimate on your item within minutes.

We pay cash on the spot.
We pay CASH ON THE SPOT and that’s what matters the most to our customers.
- Selling Watch in Brooklyn, NY
- Selling Musical Instruments in Brooklyn, NY
- Selling Scrap Gold Jewelry in Brooklyn, NY
Get cash in hand today for your unwanted gold and merchandise. Sell your items at a pawn shop and get cash on the spot.
What people are saying
Rated 4.9 of 5
They are extremely understanding and very compassionate. They help you out to the best of their ability...
ChrisSport Man
These guys are most professional gentlemen I have ever had the pleasure of doing business with. Always curious and kind...
RayGuitar Player
Best pawn shop in brooklyn fair price and respectfull ownership i pawn all the time and this guys make you happy!
When times are hard, and you need a little extra cash, this place to go, friendly staff, very knowledgeable, i’m telling all my friends.
We pay cash on the spot and that’s what matters the most to our customers.
Frequently Asked Questions

You just inherited a coin collection and you’re not sure what to do with it – most people don’t know. You guess the collection probably is worth money, since, after all it is money and gold and silver prices are up. So the question becomes how to sell my coins. If you live in a city large enough to have a few pawn shops in place then that is a good place to start. However, all pawn shops are not created equal and becoming an informed seller can make a big difference in the final price you receive.
It is no secret that within a couple of years, all of the electronic devices that you have may become obsolete and you need to buy another one that can substitute them, and this is when you have to sell electronics NYC. Selling electronic devices and items has been one of the things that people who want to stay up to date with the latest technology do these days. However, if you have no experience on how to do it well, you may end up not being able to sell your devices or you may end up losing a lot of money.
What do you do when you have too many watches on your collection, and some of them are too boring to be kept! I am sure that you are not a hoarder and you know that you can make some money from the watches that you have in your home. How do we make money from watches that we have been bored with? The way we can make money out of them is by selling them. By selling watch NYC, you will be able to get some money from those old watches that you want to get rid of.
Jewelries such as gold and diamond are the items that you buy for showing the world that you are rich. In addition to that, by wearing some jewelries such as diamonds, you are showing the world that you are the most fashionable person in the room. However, not many people know the fact that jewelries such as gold and diamond can act as a lifesaver. No, those diamond and gold are not able to give you CPR and such to save your life. However, what they can do is to give you some extra money when you are interested in selling diamonds in Brooklyn, NY as both diamonds and gold are very expensive in the market.
Gold and silver are often considered as a form of money and treated as a means for storing wealth.
This is something that has been the case for a very long time, going back to the era of ancient Egypt and beyond.
Today, the society that we live in might have changed but the way we regard and treat these metals have not. Despite the vast changes that have taken place in society over the years, gold and silver continue to be regarded largely as a means of financial storage above everything else.